Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Mother's Heart For Her Son

I know we don’t always see eye to eye and you frequently think I am being too hard on you. I have only your good on my mind, only your success as my goal.

My greatest wishes are that you . . .

– fully embody the man God created you to be

– know Him intimately as your best friend and love Him completely as your savior

– understand the kind of love that compelled Him to sacrifice everything for you and be motivated to love others from that place

I want your heart to ask questions rooted in the spirit instead of the world . . .

– What can I do for others? vs. What can they do for me?

– What needs can I meet? vs. What needs do I have?

– What have I been freely given through grace? vs. What am I entitled to?

– What can I give? vs. What can I get?

I want you to meet the love of your life and be wholly committed to . . .

– protect, provide and partner with her

instead of

– demand, degrade and dismiss her

I want you to cherish each other, loving her fully and completely as Christ loves his church – and understand what that means. To treat her and your life together as a precious gift.

I want you to embrace the vision for your life that I already see; to reach the potential I believe you have already achieved.

For this is a mother’s love and this is how I love you.